
the wellbeing of people and our planet

Committed to Health, Safety & Environmental Responsibility

We PROTECT our people by practicing SafeStart principles at work and home. And we PROTECT the environment by monitoring and reducing our carbon footprint with sustainable process design in New Product Development and through Responsible Care® Product Stewardship.

From METI (Japan) to TOSCA (China) and from TSCA (U.S.) to REACh (EMEA), we offer our customers the service and confidence of highly experienced and skilled global regulatory compliance no matter where you are operating in the world.

To help drive world-wide sustainable chemistry we work with regional regulatory authorities around the world. Specifically, we actively comply with REACh (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances) and routinely update our chemical data with ECHA, (the European Chemicals Agency), the central point in the REACh system, to ensure risks associated with chemical substances are managed consistently in the European Union (EU). This enables us to provide non-EU manufacturers the security of an experienced, competent REACh compliance effort, along with an awareness and understanding of the chemical supply process.

LifeCycle thinking plays a major role in innovation …we redesigned an existing product to deliver a significantly higher space yield & essentially zero waste, and eliminated one of the undesirable raw materials.

Nate Eckert, Segment R&D Leader CXO

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Creating Value that Brightens Lives through Metal Chemistry

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Industry News & Events

In an effort to stay on top of the industry and also to connect with customers and prospects, Shepherd will be attending a variety of events in the next few months. if you or someone from your company will also be in attendance, we’d love to meet with you! We are open to exploring potential partnerships, and always on the lookout for ways in which we can help companies grow through metal chemistry.

  • Shepherd Chemical’s Role in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Development

    As the aviation industry intensifies its efforts to reduce carbon [...]

  • Connecting Through Chemistry: Shepherd’s Q1 2025 Event Schedule

    As we step into 2025, Shepherd Chemical is excited to [...]

  • Shepherd Chemical Honored with Award for Excellence by the Ohio Chemistry Technology Council

    Shepherd Chemical recently received the prestigious 2024 Award for Excellence [...]