UC Students Visit the Shepherd Chemical Company
Thursday, February 19, 2015
The UC Department of Environmental Health’s Division of Environmental and Industrial Hygiene has begun a collaboration with the Alliance for Chemical Safety (ACS), a Cincinnati nonprofit organization that works to promote public understanding and involvement in chemical risk management.
“Under this collaboration, member companies will provide venues for UC students to develop their skills in workplace hazard and exposure assessment,” says Andrew Maier, PhD, an associate professor in the environmental health department. “The students get real-world experiences while providing assessments that support the health of workers in our community.”
Maier and five industrial hygiene students recently toured Shepherd Chemical, a Norwood-based custom manufacturer of inorganic metal salts and organic metal compounds that employs about 200 at its plant on Highland Avenue. Rob Paxton, head of operational risk at Shepherd Chemical and an active participant in ACS leadership, led the tour and provided students with background on the company.
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