Shepherd Chemical Supports Community Non-Profit, Baby Bear!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Shepherd Chemical, a 100-year-old chemical manufacturer that creates value through chemical innovation, finds equal importance in brightening lives through community engagement. They recently fulfilled this mission by adopting local non-profit, Baby Bear, for the month of April. This organization serves as an incredible resource for families and offers basic childcare supplies like diapers, blankets, and clothes for free. In the past month, the Shepherd Chemical team collected and donated baby and toddler items in effort to address community needs.

Cathy, a Baby Bear representative, stressed the importance of companies supporting their communities and the major change small efforts can make in this world. Here, she celebrates Shepherd Chemical for successfully rising to the occasion:

“I can’t even begin to tell you how many boxes of diapers and packages of wipes that were delivered this morning, so ‘a lot’ will have to suffice—so many that they had me in tears. I want you to read this post and take away from it what one local company can do to help out the community around them.”

Community members responded to Cathy’s words and the contributions made to Baby Bear with supportive messages. One Norwood resident wrote about Shepherd Chemical’s longstanding presence in the community and remembered past outreach efforts by saying that Shepherd Chemical is “a wonderful Norwood company that cares about the community. They donated 100 trees to the City of Norwood as a celebration of their 100 Anniversary of being a Norwood business. Kudos to them for this latest community outreach.”

These interactions with the community significantly contribute to the overall success of Shepherd Chemical and contribute to its team’s ability to brighten lives. We encourage residents and businesses in Cincinnati to get involved in the issues that matter most to you!