Shepherd Chemical manufactures manganese acetate
& manganese nitrate.
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About Manganese Acetate Solution, 12%
Manganese acetate solution is high quality solution manufactured by the Shepherd Chemical Company. It is made from high purity manganese metal and acetic acid to reduce the potential for contamination from other metals and compounds.
About Manganese Acetate, Technical
Manganese acetate is primarily used in manufacturing acrylic acid (AA) which is used to make super absorbent materials used in consumer products like diapers. In acrylic acid production manganese acetate is one of several ingredients used as an inhibitor to polymerization.
About Manganese Acetate, Technical
Manganese acetate is primarily used in manufacturing acrylic acid (AA) which is used to make super absorbent materials used in consumer products like diapers. In acrylic acid production manganese acetate is one of several ingredients used as an inhibitor to polymerization.
About Manganese Nitrate Solution, 50%
Manganese Nitrate Solution 50% is used in many industrial and agricultural applications. It is most commonly used in the manufacture of petrochemical cracking catalysts, automotive exhaust emission catalysts, and metal finishing.