Metal Finishing
to prepare surfaces and prevent corrosion
Metal Finishing
Shepherd Chemical inorganic salts are functional additives used in metal finishing pre-treatment products. Nickel and cobalt-based materials are used in primers for surface preparation before painting, plating, or enameling. Our high-performing additives prevent corrosion beneath paint layers and other coatings for cars, home appliances, in circuit-boards and on consumer and industrial products.
About Nickel Nitrate Solution, 13%
Nickel Nitrate Solution (13% and 15%) is used in the preparation of hydroprocessing catalyst products utilized by the refining industry for the removal of nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and sulfur (S). While the term hydroprocessing encompasses a number of reactions, nickel nitrate is included specifically in the reaction that focuses on the removal of sulfur, or hydrodesulfurization.
About Nickel Nitrate Solution, 15%
Nickel Nitrate Solution (13% and 15%) is used in the preparation of hydroprocessing catalyst products utilized by the refining industry for the removal of nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and sulfur (S). While the term hydroprocessing encompasses a number of reactions, nickel nitrate is included specifically in the reaction that focuses on the removal of sulfur, or hydrodesulfurization.