Adding Value Through
compounding greater efficiencies with sustainability
Find Your Metal
Search this section to learn more about Shepherd’s metal capabilities that can help transform your products and business
Shepherd Adds Value to Over 8 Million Pounds
of Bismuth, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt and Copper Each Year
One of the leading metal chemistry manufacturers in the world, you can depend on Shepherd to responsibly source the metal you need and create the perfect compound to fit your application. We use metal chemistry in many standard offerings and custom co-develop proprietary solutions for many of our clients.
Or, contact us with your Custom Co-Development needs. 45% of our portfolio has been custom co-developed and is manufactured for proprietary applications around the globe. From discovery through commercialization, our chemists, engineers and state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped to bring a uniquely efficient and high-performing product to your application.
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